AP Biology Group Classes

How It Works
Students love our AP Biology group classes because they’ll simplify the most complex concepts and teach you techniques to remember the hundreds of terms in this advanced subject, so you can learn better and crush those exams.
Class Format: All classes are held over Zoom. There is a max of 8 students per session so every student gets more support. Classes closely follow the school curriculum so students are well-prepared for tests, quizzes, and labs.
Class Structure: About 70% of class time is spent reviewing concepts and 30% on doing AP-style practice problems. This helps students fully understand, retain, and apply the information in each chapter to maintain high grades.

What's Included:
1.5 hours of Zoom class each week
Weekly interactive quizzes to keep students on track and engaged
Class recordings and written notes/diagrams
Class slides and plenty of AP style practice problems for each chapter, all organized in a shared Google Drive folder
Live office hours on Zoom before finals for any last-minute questions
Monthly progress updates

First Class Full Guarantee
Our small team of expert instructors specialize in the advanced sciences and their goal is to empower every student to excel and enjoy the classes.
That's why if you try the first class and don't find it helpful, let us know within 5 days and for your FULL tuition back.

Why Small Group Classes Are Effective
Promotes learning through discussion & interaction
Small class sizes for more customized lessons at an affordable price
Includes digital class notes, diagrams, and extra practice problems
Looking for 1:1 tutoring for AP Biology instead? Please submit our Contact form to check the availability of our lead instructor.